Follow our guidelines on supplying your artwork for label printing
If you're supplying your artwork for label printing, it's important that we receive your label design in the correct file set up. To ensure there are no delays in delivery of your labels or errors on printing, following our guidelines will ensure your label design is printed cleanly and without errors on the final print process.
Label borders show the finished label edge (or cutting edge) of the label. Label border(s) are not printed unless specified on your proof. Label dimensioning is completed by computer and the measurements shown are actual finished label sizes. Output of our pre-press proof can alter print dimensions, therefore, if you print our pre-press proof the label size may not measure exactly as displayed on the proof. If fonts are not converted to curves/outlines and cannot be matched or you have not supplied your preferred font, a close match will be used.
You will need to check the pre-press artwork proof(s) very carefully for errors and omissions. Your signature, or that of your authorised representative, is required on artwork prior to printing. You, as the customer, assumes all responsibility for any errors or omissions in type and layout. Daycon Distributors can not be held liable for errors or omissions after your work is printed.
- Send all files or invite users via file sharing links to
- Large files to be submitted online via popular file sharing services such as Drop Box, Google Drive, We Transfer, or as a Zip file on email (max 10MB File limit on email)
- If any changes are required to your artwork we will advise if any additional fees will apply
- Artwork proofs will be supplied for sign-off prior to production
- If you are unsure about any aspect of supplying pre-press artwork, please contact our sales team